※ 跑馬燈 8 ※
  1. 將以下的控制碼先複製起來。(用滑鼠將底下的一堆碼,標記起來,按滑鼠右鍵選擇【複製】就行啦!)

  2. 然後在網頁中的 </HEAD> 之後將剛剛複製的東西貼上就大功告成了  !(按滑鼠右鍵選擇【貼上】就行啦!)

  3. 最後,更改原始碼中紅色字的部份的內容就可以了!(就是紅色字的地方,改成您想要的內容即可!)

Copyright Power Information All Rights Reserved.

※跑馬燈 8 展示區※

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="snapIn(100,0)" background="jpg/01_bkg1.jpg">
<p align="center"><font size="6"><script language="JavaScript">

function statusMessageObject(p,d) {
this.msg = MESSAGE
this.out = " "
this.pos = POSITION
this.delay = DELAY
this.i = 0
this.reset = clearMessage

function clearMessage() {
this.pos = POSITION

var POSITION = 100
var DELAY = 5
var MESSAGE = "跑馬燈 8 展示區-漸進狀態列訊息"
var scroll = new statusMessageObject()

function scroller() {
// add spaces to beggining of message
for (scroll.i = 0; scroll.i < scroll.pos; scroll.i++) {
scroll.out += " "

// if you're still have leading spaces, just 
// add custom string to tail of message
// OR else if the string is running off the
// screen, only add the characters left
if (scroll.pos >= 0)
scroll.out += scroll.msg
else scroll.out = scroll.msg.substring(-scroll.pos,scroll.msg.length)

window.status = scroll.out

// set parameters for next run
scroll.out = " "

// if you're at the end of the message,
// reset parameters to start again
if (scroll.pos < -(scroll.msg.length)) {

setTimeout ('scroller()',scroll.delay)

function snapIn(jumpSpaces,position) {
var msg = scroll.msg
var out = ""

for (var i=0; i<position; i++) 
{out += msg.charAt(i)}

for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) 
{out += " "}

out += msg.charAt(position)

window.status = out

if (jumpSpaces <= 1) {
if (msg.charAt(position) == ' ') 
{position++ }
jumpSpaces = 100-position
} else if (jumpSpaces > 3)
{jumpSpaces *= .75}

if (position != msg.length) {
var cmd = "snapIn(" + jumpSpaces + "," + position + ")";
scrollID = window.setTimeout(cmd,scroll.delay);
} else {
cmd = "snapIn(" + jumpSpaces + "," + position + ")";
scrollID = window.setTimeout(cmd,scroll.delay);
return false 
return true

// -->