※ 標題列跑馬燈 ※
  1. 將以下的控制碼先複製起來。(用滑鼠將底下的一堆碼,標記起來,按滑鼠右鍵選擇【複製】就行啦!)

  2. 然後在網頁中的 </HEAD> 之後將剛剛複製的東西貼上就大功告成了  !(按滑鼠右鍵選擇【貼上】就行啦!)

  3. 最後,更改原始碼中紅色字的部份的內容就可以了!(就是紅色字的地方,改成您想要的內容即可!)

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<script language="JavaScript1.2">

var message="歡迎光臨動力資訊網,本站提供您 Java applets 教學,Java script 教學,ASP 軟體下載,CGI 軟體下載" //specifys the title
var message=message+" " //gives a pause at the end,1 space=1 speed unit, here I used 10 spaces@150 each = 1.5seconds. 
i="0" //declares the variable and sets it to start at 0
var temptitle="" //declares the variable and sets it to have no value yet.
var speed="150" //the delay in milliseconds between letters

function titler(){
if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById)
document.title=temptitle+message.charAt(i) //sets the initial title
temptitle=temptitle+message.charAt(i) //increases the title by one letter
i++ //increments the counter
if(i==message.length) //determines the end of the message
i="0" //resets the counter at the end of the message
temptitle="" //resets the title to a blank value
setTimeout("titler()",speed) //Restarts. Remove line for no-repeat.
