※ 文字上升後消失 ※
<script language="JavaScript1.2"> ie=document.all?1:0 n=document.layers?1:0 /******************************************************************************** Here are the variables you must set: (this is the only part you have to change) Remember tho, if you wan't different size for the layers, different clip or anything change that in the stylesheet. */ //The delay between the slide and the fade (in milliseconds), bigger value=more time delayslidefade=1000 //The delay between the fade and the next slide delayfadeslide=1000 //Do you wan't it to start over on the first one when it's gone trought all the news? //(set to 0 if not) var loop=1 //What font do you wan't it use? fontface='新細明體' //What font-size (in pixel)? fontsize=12 //Do you wan't it to fade out? 1 for on, 0 for off fadeback=1 //Set the colors, first color is same as background, last color is the color it stops at: //You can have upto 7 colors, set the ones you wan't use to 0 colors=new Array() colors[0]='#FFFFFF' colors[1]='#eeeeee' colors[2]='#CCCCCC' colors[3]='#999999' colors[4]='#666666' colors[5]='#333333' colors[6]='#000000' //This is the news you wanna have, set the link and the text. If you don't wan't it to link anywhere //use a # as the link news=new Array(new Array(),new Array()) news[0]["text"]="歡迎光臨動力資訊網,本站提供您,Java applets 教學,Java script 教學,ASP 軟體下載,CGI 軟體下載" news[0]["link"]="#" news[1]["text"]="本站所有範例,皆歡迎網友們自行更改使用,也希望大家有了自己的網頁後,別忘記幫站長打廣告 or 廣告交換連結喔" news[1]["link"]="#" /*Dont change anything below this! *********************************************************************************/ fadeInit=new Function("oNews=new makeObj('divNews','divCont'); nextSlide(0)") function makeObj(obj,nest){ nest=(!nest) ? '':'document.'+nest+'.' this.css=(n) ? eval(nest+'document.'+obj):eval(obj+'.style') this.writeref=(n) ? eval(nest+'document.'+obj+'.document'):eval(obj); this.fadeIt=b_fadeIt this.left=b_getleft; this.top=b_gettop this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this") } function b_getleft(){ var gleft=(n) ? eval(this.css.left):eval(this.css.pixelLeft); return gleft; } function b_gettop(){ var gleft=(n) ? eval(this.css.top):eval(this.css.pixelTop); return gleft; } function b_fadeIt(text,link,font,size,speed,fn,num,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6){ if(num<arguments.length && arguments[num]!=0){ writetext='<a href="'+link+'" style="text-decoration:none; font-size:'+size+'px">' +'<font face="'+font+'" color="'+arguments[num]+'">'+text+'</font></a>' if(n){this.writeref.write(writetext); this.writeref.close()} if(ie) this.writeref.innerHTML=writetext num++ setTimeout(this.obj+'.fadeIt("'+text+'","'+link+'","'+font+'",'+size+','+speed+',"' +fn+'",'+num+',"'+c0+'","'+c1+'","'+c2+'","'+c3+'","'+c4+'","'+c5+'","'+c6+'")',speed) }else setTimeout('eval('+fn+')',delayfadeslide) } function nextSlide(num){ if(num<news.length){ oNews.css.top=80 oNews.fadeIt(news[num]["text"],news[num]["link"],fontface,fontsize,100,'slideNews('+num+')',13,'','','','','','',colors[6]) }else if(loop) nextSlide(0) } function slideNews(num){ if(oNews.top()>0){ oNews.css.top=oNews.top()-5 setTimeout("slideNews("+num+")",30) }else if(fadeback){ setTimeout("oNews.fadeIt(news["+num+"]['text'],news["+num+"]['link'],fontface,fontsize,100,'nextSlide("+(num+1)+ ")',7,colors[6],colors[5],colors[4],colors[3],colors[2],colors[1],colors[0])",delayslidefade) }else setTimeout("nextSlide("+num+1+")",delayslidefade) } onload=fadeInit; /*End of fadescript **********************************************************************************/ </script> <body background="jpg/01_bkg1.jpg"> <div id="divCont" style="position:absolute; width:200; height:200; left:30%; top:200; clip:rect(0,250,70,0)"> <div id="divNews" style="position: absolute; top: -166; left: 0; width: 200; height: 19"> <script>//We gotta write something here so netscape will make it //be the correct size, but we will only write if it's a 4.x browser if(document.all || document.layers) document.write("dummy text, dummy" +"text, you can place you fist news or a welcome msg or something here." +"If you place these layers inside a table or something you can also" +"use this as the msg that browsers that doesn't suport dhtml will see.") </script> </div> </div> |